site author: Anthony Wheeler email:
Advocate for a Genuinely Free Society

site author: Anthony Wheeler email:
…in a time of decline, a time when all is counterfeit and pointless activity, thinking in the grand style is genuine action, indeed, action in its most powerful—though most silent—form.
Words can be defined to mean just about anything, and the same word uttered in a different context may express a radically different meaning...
Humans across the globe disagree about every important question: what is the meaning of life? what is the proper way to live? are we alone in the universe? is there a god, or gods, to worship? what is my relationship with my neighbor, my family? what duties demand my attention? what is good, and what is evil? does my life mean anything?
What follows is a summary of the principles and key definitions for the Altruistic Libertarian, and then a checklist of recommended policy changes required to bring about a Genuinely Free Society.
Obtain the entire text of The Altruistic Libertarian: Advocate for a Genuinely Free Society on Amazon by clicking the button below.
Advocating for a Genuinely Free Society goes beyond demanding individual freedom. It’s somewhat more involved...
Abandoning respect for the individual, his creed, his convictions, and his feelings, is the first step on the road to the gas chamber.
Peter Drucker, Adventures of a Bystander
Some form of government is essential for sustaining civilization. As stated earlier, government has the exclusive right to initiate the use of violent force. This aspect of government most commonly manifests through police forces and the military.
No one is foolish enough to choose war instead of peace—in peace sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons.
Herodotus, Histories
Why do laws exist that prohibit behavior that harms no one, other than the one perhaps performing the prohibited behavior?
We could, of course, reduce casualties by automobile accidents to zero if we were willing to bear the cost—if in no other way—by abolishing automobiles.
Von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom
Transportation is just one of several industries that the US Government has owned, managed, regulated, or otherwise distorted. While the damages for such intervention are specific in each case, in no instance does the benefit of intervention outweigh the significant costs.
How many things are considered impossible until they are actually done!
Scholars of English and American literature, with a few exceptions, have largely ignored Ayn Rand’s work.
Oh, we all want most sincerely to be honorable people, I assure you, only we keep postponing it…
Political argument is not an alternative to moral preoccupations: it is those preoccupations taken seriously in their full implications.
Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory
Paul Tillich published The Socialist Decision in 1933. It was quickly banned by the Nazis, and burned along with other books the Nazis found offensive.
Jean Chesneaux, a French academic, published Brave Modern World in 1992. His critique of modernity is broad, widespread and deeply felt. He expresses what many people feel, that the economic and technological progress we generally applaud has damaged many lives, and threatens the future. He stands as a credible critic of a Genuinely Free Society, and it may be worthwhile to engage with this work and explore the differences between him and the Altruistic Libertarian.
A review of Fredric Jameson’s The Political Unconscious
I have no doubt at all the Devil grin,
As seas of ink I spatter.
Ye Gods, forgive my “Literary” sins—
The other kind don’t matter.
Robert Service
When sciences such as physics finally uncovered their foundations, old ways of understanding the world had to be tossed out, extensively revised, or restricted a limited part of nature. Will this happen to the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Michael Behe, Darwin's Black Box